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Reports / We received the delegation of Japan-China Friendship from Shanxi, China.

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On November 30th, 50 university students from Shanxi, China, which is a Friendship City of Saitama prefecture, visited our Higashimatsuyama Campus.
This is an annual event to develop the cultural exchange for university students between the Friendship cities.

Our Prof. Naoto Yamaguchi, faculty of Foreign Languages, Chinese Languages Department, presided over the meeting and made the introduction of Daito Bunka Univeristy.

All students from Shanxi eagerly listened to the talk by Prof. Yamaguchi and asked many questions, e.g. about Japanese university system or the present situation of job opportunities in Japan.

Subsequently, Mr. Tian Xuchun, Shanxi Provincial People's Government Foreign Affairs chamber, gave an address on behalf of the Chinese delegation.

After lunch, the exchange meeting for the purpose of students’ interaction was held. In a calm atmosphere, they communicated with each other by using Chinese, Japanese and also English languages.
Daito students took an active part in this project and played a key roles in the preparation and organization.

After the meeting, they made a Campus tour. Students walked around the large campus leisuresly and talked each other, enjoying the fresh air of Higashimatsuyama.

At the end of the event, they took many photos and exchanged their contact information, finally deepened their friendship.

Through this project, much more Daito Students got interested in Chinese language and culture and also felt “China” closer. We wish that this interaction will be a chance to develop the friendship between both countries and to motivate students to study each language and country.
