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Sports and Health Science

Nursing Science

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Daito’s Baccalaureate Nursing Program Prepares Students to be a New Age of Nurses with Well-Educated Social Skills, Nurses who are Competent to Meet Vital Needs in Society: To Support Health and Living of People in Community.


Bachelor’s nursing education for a new age of nurses in transforming society

Japan faces growing older and shrinking younger population. The Government of Japan is now preparing for the year 2025 when our baby-boomers will exceed 75 years of age. In response to this super-aging society, the Government is rebuilding the country’s social security system and transforming its health and welfare cares from a hospital-based care provision to a community/ home-based care system.
Given this big change occurring in society, Daito launched a baccalaureate nursing program in 2018 to prepare students to be “A New Age of Nurses,” nurses who have sufficient competencies to support health, care, and livelihood for people in communities. Our nursing education program is designed to fit to the needs of coming days and years in Japan.

Curriculum adapted to “Community-based Integrated Care System”

Now the most important skill for nurses is of providing quality care in a community-based integrated care system. Nurses are expected to play an important role in this community care. They support healthcare and long-term care, health prevention, and livelihood in an integrated manner, so that the local people can keep living in their familiar places to the very end of their life. To this end, our curriculum offers students with a full of opportunities for nursing practicums in all sorts of nursing specialty areas including gerontological and home-based cares. Daito’s emphasis on nursing practice gives students an enabling environment to acquire not only solid competencies for nursing practice, but also critical/ logical thinking and autonomous judgement skills. In addition, Daito’s four-year bachelor’s nursing program provides students with chances to learn rich basic social skills. That is useful organization skills to be applied most effectively when they encounter problems and difficulties in future.

Study of “Sports Medicine” in collaboration with Departments of Health Science and Sports Science

Right now, discussion is underway among our faculty members about the introduction of intervention program, the program which is designed to support people to live independently as long as possible, while maintaining their Quality of Life (QOL). That initiative is based on the collaboration and coordination with other two departments of Sports Science and Health Science. This joint program has a very interesting key word: “Mibyo” (pre-symptomatic state), which is highly relevant to our life today.
On the top of the class: “Emergency Care and Life Support,” we offer the class: “An Introduction to Sports Medicine.” That was made possible by Daito’s emphasis on sports activities. Our university is well known for its sports fame. Daito also offers optimal environment for students who want to be a nurse with love for sports. Those students can enjoy participating as volunteers in a variety of sports events nationally and locally: sports events that Daito itself is an active participant, such as Ekidens (a long-distance relay road race: Daito’s team is one of the best in Japan), marathon races, and community athletic events.

Topics Covered

Well-Educated Competencies for Effective Use in Society

Competencies for Nursing Practices

To prepare students to be nurses competent in a community-based integrated care system.

Competencies for Quality Social Skills

To have students acquire critical/ logical thinking and autonomous judgement as well as effective communication skills for the systematic management of difficult front-line issues.

Competencies developed from Collaboration/ Coordination among Three Departments (of Nursing Science, Health Science, and Sports Science)

To explore ways to maintain and promote health, to prevent diseases, and to improve QOL in collaboration with the Departments of Sports Science and Health Science.