

関口 直樹

研究分野 産業発展、国際貿易
所属学会 日本貿易学会、日本マーケティング学会、アジア経営学会
学位 博士(経済学)

産業の発展・成熟、新興国・発展途上国鉄鋼業のキャッチアップ など


板橋校舎3号館4階 3-0405


  • de Carvalho, A., & Sekiguchi, N. (2015). The structure of steel exports: changes in specialisation and the role of innovation. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, 2015/07, 1–39.
  • OECD. (2015). Excess capacity in the global steel industry and the implications of new investment projects. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers, 18, 1–38.
  • Sekiguchi, N. (2017). Trade specialisation patterns in major steelmaking economies: the role of advanced economies and the implications for rapid growth in emerging market and developing economies in the global steel market. Miner Econ 30, 207–227.
  • Sekiguchi, N. (2019). Steel trade structure and the balance of steelmaking technologies in non-OECD countries: the implications for catch-up path. Miner Econ 32, 257–285.
  • Sekiguchi, N. (2022). The evolution of non-OECD countries in the twenty-first century: developments in steel trade and the role of technology. Miner Econ 35, 103–132.