
Daito Bunka Gakuin, the predecessor to today's Daito Gakuen School Corporation, was founded by Diet resolution in 1923. This was proposed by experts wishing to absorb elements of Western culture while maintaining a foundation in Eastern culture, achieving a fusion of Eastern and Western approaches in order to create a new culture. With deep concerns about Japan's haphazard promotion of Westernization, striving to learn the country's own culture and Asian cultures, and absorb values of Western culture based on a solid identity—the very idea that can be the norm in a global society today was born about 80 years ago. Daito Gakuen School Corporation adopts the mission of teaching how to achieve a fusion of Eastern and Western approaches.

University and Graduate Schools History

Year Event
1921 The 44th Diet passed the Proposal for Chinese Studies Promotion.
1923 Daito Bunka Gakuin, the predecessor to Daito Bunka University, funded by the national government was established in Kudan, Tokyo, based on a resolution passed by the 46th Diet.
1924 Regular advanced courses began.
1941 The school moved to a new campus constructed in Ikebukuro, Tokyo.
1953 The school name was changed to Daito Bunka University.
1961 The university moved to a new campus constructed in Takashimadaira, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo.
1964 1964
1967 The doctor's program (Chinese Studies) in the Graduate School of Literature established.
1972 The master's program (Economics) in the Graduate School of Economics and the doctor's program (Japanese Literature) in the Graduate School of Literature established.
1977 The master's program (Law) in the Graduate School of Law established.
1978 The master's program (English Literature) in the Graduate School of Literature and the doctor's program (Economics) in the Graduate School of Economics established.
1991 The doctor's program (Law) in the Graduate School of Law established.
1993 The master's program (Business Administration) in the Graduate School of Economics established.
1994 The master's program (Political Science) in the Graduate School of Law established.
1995 The doctor's program (Business Administration) in the Graduate School of Economics established.
1996 The doctor's program (Political Science) in the Graduate School of Law established.
1999 The master's programs (Chinese Studies, English Studies, and Japanese Studies) in the Graduate School of Foreign Languages and the master's program (Asian Area Studies) in the Graduate School of Asian Area Studies established. 2001 The doctor's program (Asian Area Studies) in the Graduate School of Asian Area Studies established.
2001 The doctor's program (Asian Area Studies) in the Graduate School of Asian Area Studies established.
2003 The master's program (Calligraphy) in the Graduate School of Literature and the master's and doctor's programs (Business Administration) in the Graduate School of Business Administration established.
2004 The Law School (Juris Doctor’s Program) established.
2005 The doctor's program (Calligraphy) in the Graduate School of Literature and the doctor's program (English Studies) in the Graduate School of Foreign Languages established.
2007 The doctor's program (Japanese Language and Culture) in the Graduate School of Foreign Languages established.
(As the doctor's program was established, the previous Japanese Studies master's program was renamed to the Japanese Language and Culture master's program.)
2008 The master's program (Education Studies) in the Graduate School of Literature established.
2009 The master's program (Sports and Health Sciences Studies) in the Graduate School of Sports and Health Science established.
2011 The doctor's program (Chinese Language and Culture) in the Graduate School of Foreign Languages established.
(As the doctor's program was established, the previous Chinese Studies master's program was renamed to the Chinese Language and Culture master's program.)