About Us
大東文化大学国際比較政治研究所は、「わが国を含む先進国の政治および発展途上国の比較研究・調査を行い、あわせてトランスナショナルな傾向も研究・調査し、広く社会科学の発達に寄与すること」(国際比較政治研究所規程第2条)を目的として、1991年に設立されました。政治学科の教員が研究員となり、時代の要請にあわせ、柔軟な運営体制で学術研究・調査を推進し、本学で学ぶ学生や近隣住民、そして広く地域・国・世界に貢献できるよう努力してまいりました。従来は、研究員が4つの研究班(Community Studies Working Group、Policy Studies Working Group、Media Studies Working Group、Global Studies Working Group)に分かれ、およそ年4-5回のペースで研究会を開き、全体会で研究発表を行い、討論を重ねていましたが、現在は、変転の激しい政治状況を鑑み、年度ごとに研究班を組織するプロジェクト方式を採用し、より柔軟な形で研究活動を行っております。
The Institute of International Comparative Political Studies
The Institute of International Comparative Political Studies was founded in 1991. The Institute's mission is to undertake, along with transnational research and fact-finding activities, all kinds of comparative research and fact-finding activities on the politics of advanced nations (including Japan) and the politics of developing nations and other related matters. In so doing we try to contribute to the development of the social sciences.
This institute was founded in connection with the Department of Political Science in the Faculty of Law one year after that Department's founding. It is the newest of the research institutes at Daito Bunka University and it cooperates with the Faculty of Law and the Graduate School in matters of research and education. All faculty members of the Department of Political Science become research fellows of the Institute. Also, in order to promote the greater development and progress of our research, visiting fellows are invited to the Institute from over Japan and abroad.
From the outset the following five joint research activities had been carried out:
- Community Studies Working Group
- Policy Studies Working Group
- Media Studies Working Group
- Global Studies Working Group
- Studies Working Group Cooperating with City Government and Academics
Now we organize project based study groups each fiscal year and convene small conferences. Once a year annual bulletin is published concerning these activities.
Furthermore, the Institute sponsors a symposium once a year for faculty members, students, and for members of the public at large since it's established. Eminent researchers were invited to participate and an outline of the discussion that took place was published in Kokusai Hikaku Seiji Kenkyu (Research in International Comparative Politics), the Institute's annual bulletin. Through the topics of the symposium we can see how the world and Japan have changed.
Topic of Symposium
- 2020
- American Strategy in the Asia-Pacific after the Presidential Election of 2020
- 2019
- Beyond the 150 years of Meiji Restoration: Rethinking Japanese Perception of the World
- 2018
- Comparing the Origins and Meanings of Illiberal Politics
- 2017
- Peace and Tension in East Asia: International Politics over the Korean Peninsula
- 2016
- What Has Been Told and Untold: Five Years since the Great East Japan Earthquake
- 2015
- Populism: Europe in Warts and All
- 2014
- The Meaning of Opposition in Party Politics
- 2013
- New leaders in China, ROK and Russia
- 2012
- Recent Regime changes in Japan, UK and ROK
- 2011
- How Multiculturalism Influences Japan or Not?
- 2010
- East Asia Now: Reorientation of Current Situation in East Asia
- 2009
- Local Councils in Recent Local Government reforms in Japan
- 2008
- Public Services, Market and Civil Society: The Merits and Demerits of Marketizing Public Services
- 2007
- Japanese Regional System (Doshusei) and Federalism
- 2006
- Comparing the Effectiveness of Neo Liberalism and Social Democracy: Social Gaps and Discriminations in US and Europe
- 2005
- Building the East Asian Community with ASEAN Experience
- 2004
- Prospects of East Asian Affairs in the Early 21st Century
- 2003
- Let Us Think What Civil Servants Can Do for Local Community
- 2002
- Environmental Problems and Political Science
- 2001
- Rethinking of Removing Some Metropolitan Functions in Japan
- 2000
- May It Thaw in the Korean Peninsula?
- 1999
- Tasks for Modern Politics
- 1998
- The New World Order in East Asia
- 1997
- The Repatriation of Hong Kong and Politics in China and Southeast Asia
- 1996
- Comparative Study of Mass Media and Elections
- 1995
- The Nationalism in Europe -- Past, Present and Future
- 1994
- Ethnic Minorities and Nation-States
- 1993
- Politics and Journalism
- 1992
- The Welfare State at a Turning Point
- 1991
- The End of Socialism in the USSR