







  1. 『語学教育研究論叢』の刊行。
  2. 『語学教育フォーラム』の刊行。
  3. 「語研所報」の発行。
  4. 学術講演会の開催。
  5. 研究発表会の実施。




語研定期刊行物のもう一つの柱であり、平成に入ってから刊行されたものです。本 『フォーラム』は語研の研究成果をさらに集約的に示すことを目的としています。研究員をはじめ、外国語学部専任教員の研究成果の発表の場です。発行形態は論文集や単刊発行などいくつかの出版形態をとり、語研内部のプロジェクト・チームの研究成果発表の場になることもあります。







The Institute for Language and Language Education Research at Daito Bunka University was established in the Faculty of Foreign Languages in 1983 with the purpose of promoting research in the areas of language education, linguistics and world cultures.
The research conducted by the institute involves the linguistic study of languages (the main languages taught at Daito Bunka University are Chinese, English, French, German, and Japanese. Among the other languages taught are Vietnamese and Urdu), in addition to the study of cultures, as well as research that aims to improve the language education.
The institute hosts lectures, seminars, and workshops. Also, on a regular basis, it holds research presentations from the institute’s members as well as from other faculty members. To promote international academic exchange, the institute invites scholars from universities and research institutes from around the world for joint research projects.
In addition, the institute publishes a journal Gogaku Kyoiku Kenkyu Ronso or “The Journal of Institute for Language and Education Research” and a volume Gogaku Kyoiku Forum or “The Language Education Forum.” The work of the research staff members from the three departments of Chinese, English, and Japanese is published in academic conferences and journals, both domestic and international.
The members of the Faculty of Foreign Languages are experts in linguistics, and in foreign language education, as well as literature and cultures. This diversity of language and culture contributes to the development of human resources and research in a global context.

An Introduction to the Activities of the Institute for Language and Language Education Research

  1. The publication Gogaku kyoiku kenkyu ronso (Publications of Research in Linguistics and Language Education) centers on the language research done by members of the institute. Each issue includes 15 to 20 articles on many issues and also includes research notes transmitting information about the research conducted inside and outside the institute. This publication includes the linguistic and language educational research of not just the tenured faculty but also of the adjunct professors of our institution and many adjuncts publish their work therein. Gogaku kyoiku kenkyu ronso publishes high quality research that is important to unifying the twin missions of educational developments and scholarly pursuit.
  2. Gogaku kyoiku forum (Linguistics and Language Education Forum) is another important outlet for regular publishing of language research, and has been issued since the start of the Heisei period (1989). The Forum has the aim of putting together and displaying the best research. First of all, the main researchers are the tenured faculty of the Department of Languages, and the Forum transmits the results of their research. It is a collection of research papers by individual researchers in various forms including in-house research projects conducted by teams of researchers.
  3. Goken Shohō (Linguistics and Language Education Center Information): This publication comes out every academic year. The institute (Goken) sponsors lectures, presentations, and special projects among other events. An essential outline of these events is published in Shohō. Additionally, up to this point the titles of talks of these various public activities have been published in pamphlets and on the website as well.
  4. Gakujitsu koenkai (Scholarly, Open-to-the-Public Activities): Well-known researchers within their specific research areas are invited from each of the various disciplines of Chinese, English, German, French, and Japanese language and culture to conduct a one-time presentation, lecture or workshop. Both professors and students are able to benefit from these stimulating activities. The students and faculty of the department, and more broadly participants from outside the university, are invited to attend. Students and professors are introduced to research outside their own disciplines and have the opportunity to broaden their own horizons. This is one of the special activities that this institute is engaged in.
  5. Kenkyu happyokai (Research Presentations) The faculty members of the institute present the results of their individual or collective research on a regular basis. These stimulating and profitable talks are often outside one’s own field; however, these talks, through this broad exposure, potentially produce unexpected long-term benefits.