Khin Wee Chen, Robert Phiddian & Ronald Stewart. (2017) "Towards a Discipline of Political Cartoon Studies: Mapping the Field." In J. Milner Davis (ed) Satire and Politics: The Interplay of Heritage and Practice (ISBN: 978-3-319-56773-0)
Ronald Stewart (2016) "Post 3-11 Japanese Political Cartooning with a Satirical Bite: Non-Newspaper Cartoons and their Potential" Kritika Kultura (24),179-221頁
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Marguerite Wells & Ronald Stewart (2014) "History of Humor: Premodern Japan" In S. Attardo (ed) Encyclopedia of Humor Studies (ISBN 9781412999090)
Ronald Stewart (2014) "Breaking the mainstream mold: The birth of a local political cartoonist in post-3.11 Japan." The European Journal of Humour Research 2(4)
Ronald Stewart (2014) " Manga History: Shimizu Isao and Miyamoto Hirohito on Japan’s first modern ‘manga’ artist Kitazawa Rakuten." Comics Forum
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Ronald Stewart (2013) "Manga as Schism: Kitazawa Rakuten's Resistance to "Old-Fashioned" Japan." In J. Berndt & B. Kummerling-Meibauer (eds) Manga's Cultural Crossroads. (ISBN 9780415504508)
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Ronald Stewart (2007) "Nankivell’s Japan: From Means to Marker." In P.Oliver & M.Ackland (eds) Unexpected Encounters: Neglected histories behind the Australia-Japan relationship (ISBN 9781876924508)
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ロナルド・スチュワート(2003)「フランク・A・ナンキベル:日本漫画史の脚注」『マンガ研究』 (3)