
アジア地域研究科 2023年度国際会議の実施報告について

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アジア地域研究科 2023年度国際会議の実施報告について







開催場所:大東文化大学 東松山キャンパス 管理棟3階 大会議室

テーマ:Asian People and Empowerment in the Precarious Time



An international conference was held on January 20, 2024, at 1:00 p.m., hosted by the Graduate School of Asian Area Studies of Daito Bunka University and co-hosted by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JP20K20059, represented by Maya Suzuki) and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JP20K13707, represented by Mijin Kim), welcoming journalists and young researcher from India and Japan. 


The conference consisted of two sessions. In the first session, doctoral students studying international relations presented their research and deepened discussions with commentators and participants. In the second session, on the conference theme of "Asian People and Empowerment in the Precarious Time," the speakers, who are working as journalists in India and Japan, reported about minorities and social movements based on their fields and experiences. Faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduates attended the conference, and after each session, a lively Q&A session was held in English. It was a fruitful conference for speakers and participants to deepen their understanding of Asia.


FY 2023 International Conference
Date: January 20, 2024 (Saturday) 1:00pm-5:30pm
Venue: Convention Hall, 3F, Administration Bldg., Higashi Matsuyama Campus, Daito Bunka University
Theme: Asian People and Empowerment in the Precarious Time